論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience



ID 表題 著者/所属
11 特別寄稿 Special contribution paper メガトレンドが世界の水事情に与える影響 Impacts of megatrends on the global water landscape Cecilia Tortajada Asit K. Biswas
Professor in practice on environmental innovation, School of Social and Environmental Sustainability, University of Glasgow, UK. Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
12 特別寄稿 Special contribution paper 世界の水の安全保障に向けて: 現状からの脱却? Towards Global Water Security: A Departure from the Status Quo? Cecilia Tortajada and Victor Fernandez
Tortajada from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
13 特別寄稿 Special contribution paper 水効率政策: 技術的高水準? Water efficiency policy: A technological high-water mark? Tommy Kevin Lee and Cecilia Tortajada
14 特別寄稿 Special contribution paper スマート都市国家 スマートシティへの取り組みがテクノロジーだけにとどまらない理由 The smart city-state: Why smart city initiatives must go beyond just technology Cecilia Tortajada and Cheryl Wong
Professor in practice on environmental innovation, School of Social and Environmental Sustainability, University of Glasgow, UK.
15 特別寄稿 Special contribution paper 技術は水の持続可能性を向上させるが、社会的態度は依然として重要である Technology can improve water sustainability,but social attitudes stillmatter Cecilia Tortajada
Professor in practice on environmental innovation, School of Social and Environmental Sustainability, University of Glasgow, UK. Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
16 特別寄稿 Special contribution paper 水資源 進化する風景 Water Resources An Evolving Landscape Cecilia Tortajada
17 江戸・東京は日本人のアイデンティティ Edo/Tokyo is The Identity of the Japanese People Dr. Kotaro Takemura
Representative Director of the Japan Water Forum
18 低平地の災害に備えるまちづくり - 建築基準法を改正し、「仮想地盤高」を設定する Urban Development to Prepare for Disasters in Low-lying Areas - Revise the Building Standards Act to create a “virtual ground level Nobuyuki Tsuchiya Ph.D.
Technical Deliberation, Japan Riverfront Research Center
19 「海の見えるまち」を目指した宮城県女川町の復興プロジェクト1~災害列島に生きる人々の行動規範~ The reconstruction project in Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, aimed at creating a “Town with a view of the sea”1 ~Rules of Conduct for People Living on a Disaster-Prone Archipelago~ Nobuyuki Tsuchiya Ph.D.
Technical Deliberation, Japan Riverfront Research Center
20 「海の見えるまち」を目指した宮城県女川町の復興プロジェクト2 ~災害列島に生きる人々の行動規範~ 防潮堤をつくらない復興まちづくり The reconstruction project in Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, aimed at creating a “Town with a view of the sea”2 ~Rules of Conduct for People Living on a Disaster-Prone Archipelago~Reconstruction Community Development Without Building a Seawall Nobuyuki Tsuchiya Ph.D.
Technical Deliberation, Japan Riverfront Research Center

