論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience
特別寄稿 世界の水の安全保障に向けて: 現状からの脱却? Special contribution paper Towards Global Water Security: A Departure from the Status Quo?
Cecilia Tortajada and Victor Fernandez / 所属:
Tortajada from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
出典:Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018
Water resources are, and have always been, a multidimensional resource
that crosses all social and economic sectors. Globally, growing population and
urbanisation have increased the pressure to meet the water, energy, and food
demands of larger populations with higher expectations. As a result, both developed
and developing countries seem to be racing against the clock to respond to the
needs of societies in which inequalities continue to grow. Water resources are
scarcer and more polluted; their management, governance, and development
increasingly depend on decisions that are made in other sectors, many times without
sufficient coordination; and their availability is more than ever threatened by issues,
such as climate variability and change, that impose nothing but uncertainty. These
factors have led to water resources being seen through the lenses of risk and
security. The security of water resources necessitates a departure from the status
quo, to an innovative system that is able to understand and appreciate how different
natural, policy, and political variables interact and affect each other. This system
requires a wholesome perspective that is able to propose alternatives that consider
complexity and that are adaptive to an uncertain future. A departure is necessary
because the status quo has proven unable to respond to the present needs and
expectations, much less to future ones.