論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience

「海の見えるまち」を目指した宮城県女川町の復興プロジェクト2 ~災害列島に生きる人々の行動規範~ 防潮堤をつくらない復興まちづくり The reconstruction project in Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, aimed at creating a “Town with a view of the sea”2 ~Rules of Conduct for People Living on a Disaster-Prone Archipelago~Reconstruction Community Development Without Building a Seawall

著者: Nobuyuki Tsuchiya Ph.D. / 所属: Technical Deliberation, Japan Riverfront Research Center
出典:Economic Research Association Construction Management Technology May 2023


女川町の復興まちづくりには特徴がある。それは、津波で浸水した広大な中心市街地を ""土地区画整理事業 ""という町づくりに変えたことだ。土地区画整理事業とは、みんなで少しずつ土地を出し合い、道路や公園などを整備していく町づくりの手法だ。この手法のため、被災した町を元の状態に戻すのではなく、一気に広大な土地を造成し、土地利用を転換して将来に向けて安全な新しい町を作り、「未来の町として復興する。計画ができた。
経済調査会 建設マネジメント技術 2023年5月号

Onagawa Town's reconstruction town development has distinctive characteristics. This means that the vast central city area that was flooded by the tsunami was turned into a town development project called the ""Land Readjustment Project."" A land readjustment project is a method of town development in which everyone contributes land little by little to develop roads, parks, etc. Because of this method, instead of restoring the disaster-stricken town to its original state, it creates a large area all at once, converts the land use to create a new, safe town for the future, and ``recovers as a town of the future.'' I was able to plan.
Economic Research Association Construction Management Technology May 2023


