論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience

日本における地方レベルでの洪水早期警報システムの現状と課題 Current status and Challenges in Opera ng Flood Early Warning Systems at the local level in Japan

著者: Anh Cao*, 1, Shinichiro Nakamura2, Kensuke Otsuyama3, Miki Namba4, Kei Yoshimura1 / 所属: 1Ins tute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo 2 Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University 3 Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo 4 Global Ini a ve Center, Kagoshima University


洪水早期警報システム (FEWS) は、特に洪水による損失と被害を軽減する上で極めて重要です。
気候変動により洪水リスクが増大している中。 FEWS には 4 つの重要な要素があります。
能力FEWS のすべてのコンポーネントを調査した文献は限られていますが、ほとんどの既存のコンポーネントは
FEWS の可用性、適切性、およびさまざまな課題についての世界的な概要を提供しました。
レベルの意思決定者。このような研究は、FEWS 実装プロセスの表面を提供したにすぎません。
地元レベルでは FEWS オペラに対する深い理解が不足しています。
政府は FEWS の運営において重要な役割を果たしています。したがって、この研究では広範な調査が行われました。
地方レベルでの FEWS 運営の現状と課題を調査し、

避難してください。全体として、FEWS のすべての主要な要素は適切に相関しています。パス解析結果
これは、FEWS の実装を強化するための政策指示に役立ちます。

Flood early warning systems (FEWS) are crucial in reducing flood loss and damage, especially
under increasing flood risks due to climate change. FEWS have four key elements, namely Risk
knowledge, Monitoring and forecas ng, Warning dissemina on, and Preparedness and Response
Capabili es. There are limited literature inves ga ng all components of FEWS as most exis ng
studies have focused on the technical aspect of providing warning services. While exis ng surveys
provided a global overview of the availability, adequacy, and various challenges of FEWS, all of
them addressed FEWS at the na onal level through involving na onal forecas ng centers or high
level decisionmakers. Such studies provided merely the surface of FEWS implementa on process.
There is a lack of in-depth understanding of FEWS opera on at the local level, where local
governments play a crucial role in opera ng FEWS. Hence, this study conducted an extensive
na on-wide survey targe ng Japanese municipali es (n=350), covering all key elements to
inves gate the current status and challenges of FEWS opera ons at the local level, and the
rela onships between these elements.
The results indicated that overall flood characteris cs and social characteris cs are well
understood. However, vulnerability assessment has not been well implemented, especially
regarding social vulnerability. Key challenges in crea ng risk knowledge are the lack of human
resources, difficulty in obtaining risk informa on, lack coordina on between agencies, difficul es
of vulnerability assessment, and lack of financial resources. Regarding monitoring system, smaller
rivers are under management of municipali es in Japan. While most rivers are equipped with
monitoring system and transmit data in real-me or near real-me, some are not yet fully
equipped due to lack of financial resources or its low priority. In the event of emergency, there
exists a knowledge gap of residences’ understanding, confirma on of warning receivals, and
needs of the vulnerable groups. Challenges in dissemina ng warnings to the target popula on
include the limita ons of dissemina on devices, knowledge on status of the vulnerable groups,
timing and accuracy of warning informa on, and lack of human resources. Regarding
Preparedness and Response Capabili es, most municipali es have implemen ng disaster
educa on, evacua on drills, considering needs of vulnerable groups, and informing residents
with things bring during evacua on. However, there lack understanding of public risk percep on,
evalua on on effec veness of communica on efforts, and provision of security during
evacua ons. Overall, all key elements of FEWS posi vely correlated. Path analysis results
indicated the significant role of vulnerability assessment that integrate socio-economic changes
and warning dissemina on in improving preparedness and response capabili es at the local level.
This study is the first to inves gate all four key elements of FEWS implemented at the local level,
providing detailed insights into various challenges that municipali es in Japan are encountering,
which are useful for policy direc ons to enhance FEWS implementa on.


