論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience

特別寄稿 アジア諸国の模範となる日本の気候変動対策 Special contribution paper Japan’s climate change preparedness an example for Asian countries

著者: Cecilia Tortajada / 所属: Professor in practice on environmental innovation, School of Social and Environmental Sustainability, University of Glasgow, UK.
出典:BRINK ASIA June 6, 2018



To understand Japan’s complex relationship with water, we must first turn to its topography. Nearly
three-quarters of Japan’s land is mountainous, which forms the basis of its steep and short rivers.
This limits the amount of rainwater that can be captured before it flows into the sea. As a nation
that receives intense rainfall during specific periods of the year (rainy season from June to July and
typhoon season from August to September), Japan has traditionally suffered from extreme floods.


