プロフィール Profile


古川 恵太

Keita Furukawa

President, Association for Shore Environment Creation
Visiting professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology



Born in Tokyo in 1963, studied civil engineering (hydraulics) at Waseda University and graduate school, specializing in conservation, restoration, and creation of coastal ecosystems, comprehensive coastal zone management, and citizen surveys and experiential activities. Since 1988, he has been working at the Ministry of Transport's Port Technology Research Institute, where he has been engaged in the development and business of seawater purification technology using ecosystems, and the development of local numerical calculation methods for eddy currents. Since 1994, he has conducted research on flow and sediment transport in coral reef and mangrove forest ecosystems at the Australian Institute of Marine Science. After returning to Japan in 1996, he returned to the Marine Environment Laboratory of the Port and Harbor Technology Research Institute (subsequently reorganized to become the Marine Environment Laboratory of the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). ・In addition to promoting surveys of seaweed beds, tidal flats, coral reefs, mangrove forests, etc., I have been involved in policy formulation, guideline creation, and business evaluation regarding environmental conservation and restoration in coastal areas. During this time, he was involved in the creation of wetland restoration guidelines at the International Navigation Conference (PIANC) and the revision of the Radio Regulations (RR) to secure marine radar bandwidth at the World Telecommunications Union (ITU). Since 2013, he has been working at the Ocean Policy Research Foundation (currently the Sasakawa Peace Foundation Ocean Policy Research Institute), focusing on integrated coastal zone management, ocean policy, sustainable development of islands and surrounding waters, global marine environmental issues, and ocean education. Promote research projects such as research. During that time, he participated in various United Nations (UN) conferences as an NGO with consultative status, and participated in the formulation of the SDGs in 2015 and the UN Ocean Conference in 2017. Since 2019, as the chairman of the NPO Seaside Creation Study Group, I have been conducting research on assessing the impact of sea level rise on mangrove forests and conserving and restoring Japanese mackerel. We have been planning and implementing environmental education for university students. From 2021, he is a visiting professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Institute for Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration. Since 2022, he has been the Technical Meeting Chair of the Partnership for Maritime Environmental Planning in East Asia (PEMSEA).

古川 恵太

