プロフィール Profile


山田 正

Tadashi Yamada

Professor, Chuo University Research
and Development Organization
Professor Emeritus of Chuo University


土木学会論文賞 (1996年),土木学会論文賞 (1997年),中央大学学術研究奨励賞 (1998年),平成23年度水文・水資源学会学術賞 (2011年),第11回産学官連携功労表彰国土交通大臣賞 (高性能レーダ(XバンドMPレーダ)によるゲリラ豪雨のリアルタイム観測の実現/2013年),土木学会功績賞 (2018年),水文・水資源学会功績賞(2020年),災害復旧及び災害防止事業功労者表彰(2023年)等,受賞.

Doctor of engineering
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1951, Dr. Yamada completed his master's degree at the Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chuo University. From there, he served as an assistant at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and as an assistant professor at the National Defense Academy. He held the post of professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, before assuming his current position in April 2021.
His fields of specialization are civil engineering, hydrology, river engineering, hydraulics, disaster prevention engineering, fluid mechanics, and meteorology.
Based on his belief that all water-related studies are areas for research, Dr. Yamada has worked on a wide range subjects such building and developing flood prediction models based on physical processes, improving the accuracy of radar rain gauges and applying them, addressing water environment issues, and studying basin flood control and operating them. He is a leading authority on the need to introduce the concept of uncertainty into river planning.
During the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in 2015 when the Kinugawa River burst its banks, Dr. Yamada served as the head of a joint investigation team of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers and the Japan Geotechnical Society, and at the time of Typhoon No. 19 in 2019, he participated in a comprehensive investigation team formed by the president of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers. As an academic, he continues to issue recommendations for flood disaster response. As a result of his work, Dr. Yamada was invited to the National Diet as an expert for legislation related to the Act on Countermeasures against Flood Damage of Specified Rivers Running Across Cities and he advocated for its enactment. Dr. Yamada contributes to many national and local government discussions, serving in posts such as ad hoc member of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Council for Infrastructure/Council for Transport Policy, chairman of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Technical Review Committee on Strengthening River Embankments, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Heavy Rain Countermeasures Review Committee, and chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Review Committee on the Management of River Facilities in light of Climate Change.
As for overseas activities, Dr. Yamada conducts research on flood countermeasures mainly in Asia, and also supports governments in formulating disaster prevention plans. He was the only overseas expert who took part in the formulation of flood countermeasure plans in Thailand. In Vietnam, he is working on challenges facing the Mekong River basin and measures to reduce flood damage in the central region, and worked hard to open Chuo University’s Hanoi Office in September 2022.
Dr. Yamada is the recipient of many awards, including the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Best Paper Award (1996), Japan Society of Civil Engineers Best Paper Award (1997), Chuo University Academic Research Encouragement Award (1998), 2011 Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources Academic Award (2011), 11th Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration (Realization of real-time observation of “guerilla heavy rain” using high-performance radar (X-band MP radar), 2013), Japan Society of Civil Engineers Achievement Award (2018), Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources Achievement Award (2020), and Disaster Recovery and Disaster Prevention Business Distinguished Service Award (2023).

山田 正

