論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience

浸⽔リスク評価・診断システム「T-Flood® Analyzer」による建物地下の浸⽔解析 Flood Analysis inside Buildings using the Flood Risk Analysis System T-Flood® Analyzer

著者: ⼤野 剛・⼭根 正彦・永野 雄⼀・⾼⼭ 百合⼦・織⽥ 幸伸・伊藤 ⼀教 Go OHNO, Masahiko YAMANE, Yuichi NAGANO, Yuriko TAKAYAMA, Yukinobu ODA, and Kazunori ITO / 所属: 大成建設株式会社 TAISEI Corporation


地球温暖化により各地で集中豪⾬の増加や台⾵の強⼤化に伴う浸⽔被害が発⽣している。地下階を有する建物が浸⽔すると,扉や開⼝部,ガラリ(設備機器の吸気⼝),配管スペースなどから地下階に⽔が流⼊し,⼈的・物的被害を受ける。本研究では,新築,既存を問わず建物内部の浸⽔リスクを短時間で把握し,BCP などのリスクマネジメントに活⽤できる「T-Flood® Analyzer」を開発した。本システムはBIM(Building Information Modeling)を活⽤して浸⽔解析を実施する。解析結果は3 次元で可視化され,建物内への流⼊経路や浸⽔深の時間変化を⼀⽬で把握できる。実建物をアレンジしたオフィスビルに本システムを適⽤した結果,ダクトからの流⼊が浸⽔深に⼤きく影響することを確認できた。

Recently, flood damage has occurred in many places throughout Japan because of the increased frequency of torrential rain and strong typhoons due to global warming. When buildings with underground floors are flooded, the volume of water flows into the basement from places such as entrance doors, air vents, or plumbing spaces, causing human casualties and property damage. In this research, a flood risk analysis system, T-Flood® Analyzer, was developed, which is capable of assessing the flood risk inside buildings quickly and can also be applied to risk management such as business continuity planning. The flood analysis is conducted using Building Information Modeling (BIM). The analysis results are visualized three dimensionally, which allows users to determine the time history of the inflow route and the flood depth at a glance. The system was applied to simulation of an arranged office building (designed based on an actual one), and it was confirmed that the inflow from duct strongly affected the flood depth.


