論文集 事前防災“持続力と回復力” Collection of papers:Sustainability and Resilience

特別寄稿 シンガポールの都市水管理: 過去・現在・未来 Special contribution paper Urban Water Management in Singapore: Past, Present and Future

著者: Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada / 所属: Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
出典:The Diplomat June 10, 2015



This year is the 5th anniversary of Singapore’s independence. In the hoopla of this
anniversary celebrations, one major item that has taken a back seat is how Singapore
managed to improve its water management from that of a below average developing Asian
city in 1965, to one of the best in the world, if not the best, within a short span of about two
decades. With about 300 leaders of major utilities from all over the world set to meet in
Singapore, it is appropriate to look back on what Singapore has achieved, and also look
forward to the challenges it is likely to face during the next 25 years.


