プロフィール Profile


有川 太郎

Taro Arikawa

Doctor of engineering
Professor at Chuo University,
Visiting Professor at Kagawa University



土木学会、建築学会、日本地震工学会、日本工学アカデミーのメンバーであり、土木学会・海岸工学委員会幹事、波動と地盤の複合場における地盤材料の取扱方法に関する研究会、沿岸域における気候変動適応策に関する研究会、建築学会・津波荷重改定小委員会、日本地震工学会・津波荷重評価の体系化の心得を取り纏める研究委員会、日本工学アカデミー・科学技術イノベーション2050委員会、などの主査や幹事を務める。学術論文も豊富に発表し、Citation Awardなども受賞しています。また、海岸工学や津波に関する専門書の執筆も行い、「どうする!?巨大津波(日本評論社、2015)」「水理模型実験の理論と応用-波動と地盤の相互作用-(土木学会、2021)」などがある。また、インドネシア国の中部スラウェシでの地震・津波(2018)や、トンガ国での火山噴火・津波(2022)におけるJICAの復興支援プロジェクトの国内支援委員会のメンバーとして関わった。

研究としては、内閣府 SIP 戦略的イノベーションプログラム 「レジリエントな防災・減災機能の強化」(2014-2019)、私学ブランディング事業「超スマート社会の実現に向けた沿岸都市における防災プラットフォームの開発」(2017-2021)を行い、現在は、SATREPS インドネシア「沿岸でのレジリエント社会構築のための新しい持続性システム」( 2021-2026)、 SATREPS トルコ「災害に強い社会を発展させるためのトルコにおける研究と教育の複合体の確立 マルテスト」(2022-2027)のプロジェクトにおいて、国際展開に力を入れている。

Dr. Arikawa , a professor at Chuo University, obtained his doctoral degree in engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2000. He then joined the Ministry of Transport's Port and Harbour Technical Research Institute and became a senior research officer in 2003. In 2015, he transferred to Chuo University, where he currently serves. He has also worked as a visiting researcher at the Port and Airport Research Institute (2015-2019), a visiting senior researcher at JAMSTEC (2016-2017), and currently holds a position as a visiting professor at Kagawa University.
Dr. Arikawa is a member of various organizations including the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Architectural Institute of Japan, Japan Association of Earthquake Engineering, and the Engineering Academy of Japan. He holds positions such as secretary of the JSCE Coastal Engineering Committee and as chairperson or secretary of groups such as the study group on handling ground materials in the composite field of waves and ground, study group on climate change adaptation measures in coastal areas, the Architectural Institute of Japan’s tsunami load revision subcommittee, Japan Association of Earthquake Engineering’s research committee to compile guidelines for systematizing tsunami load evaluation, and the Engineering Academy of Japan’s science, technology, and innovation 2050 committee. Dr. Arikawa has authored numerous academic papers and has received awards such as the Citation Award. He has also written specialized books on coastal engineering and tsunamis, such as What to Do!? Giant Tsunamis (Nihon Hyoronsha, 2015) and Theory and Application of Hydraulic Model Experiments - Interaction between Waves and Ground (Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2021). He served as a member in the domestic support committee of JICA's reconstruction support projects at the time of the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (2018) and volcanic eruption and tsunami in Tonga (2022).
His research includes projects such as the Cabinet Office's SIP Strategic Innovation Program “Enhancement of Resilient Disaster Prevention and Reduction Functions” (2014-2019) and the private university branding project “Development of Disaster Prevention Platforms in Coastal Cities Toward Realizing a Super Smart Society” (2017-2021). He is currently focusing on international expansion in his field of work with SATREPS Indonesia’s “Building Sustainable System for Resilience and Innovation in Coastal Community ” (2021-2026) and SATREPS Turkey’s “Establishing of a Research and Education Complex for Developing Disaster-resilient Societies – MARTEST ” (2022-2027).

有川 太郎

