プロフィール Profile

公益財団法人リバーフロント研究所  審議役

土屋 信行

Tsuchiya nobuyuki

Director , Riverfront Institute Public Interest
Director, All Japan Land Readjustment Specialist Association,(General Incorporated Association)
Water Security Council of Japan, Flood Disaster BCP Promotion Team Leader
Part-time lecturer at Institute of Technologists


 2022年 日本水大賞市民活動賞受賞

著作 かんき出版 東京2020 (編集)
    文藝春秋 文春文庫 「首都水没」
    文藝春秋 文春文庫 「水害列島」(一社)不動産協会賞受賞
    主婦の友インフォス 「災害列島の作法」

Japan Riverfront Research Center Deputy Director General
All Japan Land Readjustment Association, General Incorporated Association
Water Security Strategy Organization, Flood Disaster BCP Promotion Team Leader
Part-time lecturer at Monozukuri University
Having worked for 43 years in various aspects of urban development in Tokyo, he has extensive experience in urban planning and engineering, including roads, bridges, river embankments, coastal protection, land reorganization and redevelopment, drainage and sewerage, park planning, and disaster prevention. has demonstrated. He also has extensive experience in river restoration projects in Japan and Asia. Engaged in the construction and design of the Tokyo Loop Line 7 and Loop Line 8, and the Tsukuba Express Rokucho Station land readjustment project. In particular, we are engaged in urban development design for the Akihabara and Shiodome redevelopment projects.
In Edogawa City, we worked to eliminate abandoned bicycles and completed the Kasai underground bicycle parking lot, the largest in Japan, which won the Japanese Society of Civil Engineers Award.
In particular, regarding disaster countermeasures, as the person in charge of Edogawa City's crisis management, he held the Sea Level World Cities Summit in 2008 to ensure flood safety in the zero meter zone, and is currently working on a wide range of disaster countermeasures. The conference contributed to the development of disaster prevention strategies to protect cities below mean sea level around the world. This initiative resulted in widespread implementation of disaster prevention strategies in many participating cities.
We have also worked with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to provide technical support for urban planning and rezoning in Thailand. Currently, we are also providing technical support for land subsidence prevention efforts that are underway in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
As an academic and experienced member of the community development committee for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, I worked on the reconstruction of Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, and achieved the reconstruction of a town with a view of the sea.
2022 Japan Water Award Citizen Activities Award Winner

Works:Kanki Publishing Tokyo 2020 (editor)
     Shuto Suibotsu (Capital City Submerged), Bunshun Bunko, Bungei Shunju
Suigai Retto (Flood Damaged Islands), Bunshun Bunko, Bungei Shunju
(winner of Real Estate Companies Association of Japan Award)
Suigai Retto no Saho (Etiquette for Disaster Archipelago), Shufu no Tomo Infos  

土屋 信行

