プロフィール Profile


樋渡 彩

Aya Hiwatashi

Lecturer, Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Engineering, Kindai University



Doctor of engineering
Dr. Hiwatashi’s expertise lies in the urban history of Italy and she is also engaged in research of the Setouchi Territorio . She studied at Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia as a student on a scholarship from the Italian government, and completed her master's degree at the Graduate School of Hosei University. After working as a special researcher for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, she completed the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Hosei Univeristy. She is a doctor of engineering. Her books include Venetian Territorio: Culture of the Basin Supporting the City of Water (co-edited, Kajima Institute Publishing Co., Ltd, 2016), Venice and its Lagoon: Modernization of the City of Water and Territorio (Kajima Institute Publishing Co., Ltd, 2017), and Territorio of Tuscany's Orcia Valley: Reading the Landscapes of Urban and Rural Areas (co-authored, Furukogarasusha, 2022). She is the recipient of the Maeda Engineering Award, JUSOKEN Housing Foundation Prize for Doctoral Thesis, Architectural Institute of Japan Encouragement Award, Collegium Mediterranistarum Herend Prize, among others.

樋渡 彩

