プロフィール Profile


畔柳 昭雄

Akio Kuroyanagi

Professor Emeritus of Nihon University
Doctor of Engineering, First Class Architect


1952年三重県四日市市生れ。1976年日本大学理工学部建築学科卒業、同大学院理工学研究科博士課程(建築専攻)修了。2001年日本大学理工学部海洋建築工学科教授 2019年同特任教授 青島理工大学客員教授。2022年日本大学名誉教授 香川大学客員教授 専門分野:親水工学 建築計画 (一級建築士)
受賞歴:環境情報科学センター学術論文賞受賞、日本沿岸域学会出版文化賞・学術論文賞受賞、2006 Aluprogetto Award(イタリア・アルミ技術国際賞)、グッドデザイン賞、日本建築学会会賞(論文)・教育賞、日本海洋工学会JAMSTEC中西賞、文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞。

Doctor of Engineering, First Class Architect
Born in 1952 in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture. Graduated from the Department of Architecture, College of Science and Engineering, Nihon University in 1976, and completed the doctoral course (majoring in architecture) at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Professor, Department of Marine Architectural Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University in 2001, Specially Appointed Professor in 2019, Visiting Professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology. 2022 Professor Emeritus of Nihon University, Visiting Professor of Kagawa University, Specialty Fields: Hydrophilic Engineering, Architectural Planning (First Class Architect)
Currently, he is a member of the Aqua City Tokyo Future Conference, chairman of the Chiba Prefecture Attractive Construction Industry Promotion Council, and advisor to Sado MICE.net.
Books: Co-authored “Waterside Town Development” Gihodo Publishing (August 2008), “Sea Bathing and the Japanese” Chuokoron-Shinsha (July 2010), “The Sea and Architecture” (Suiyosha December 2021) ) and many others. 110 refereed papers, etc.
Awards: Environmental Information Science Center Academic Paper Award, Japan Coastal Society Society Publishing Culture Award/Academic Paper Award, 2006 Aluprogetto Award (Italian Aluminum Technology International Award), Good Design Award, Architectural Institute of Japan Award (paper), Education Award, Japan Society of Marine Engineers JAMSTEC Nakanishi Award, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Commendation Science and Technology Award.
Major architectural works include the Visitor Center of the Perinet Reserve in Andasibe Village, Democratic Republic of Madagascar, and the Beach Houses I, II, and III.

畔柳 昭雄

