プロフィール Profile

中央大学 研究開発機構 機構教授

太田 秀樹

Hideki Ohta

Professor, Research and Development Organization,
Chuo University 





Since 1971, Prof. Hideki Ohta has taught Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering at Kyoto University, Asian Institute of Technology, Kanazawa University and Tokyo Institute of Technology. As a specialist in the field of soft clay and sand deposits, foundations of massive structures, fill dams, tunnels, embankments on soft subsoils and rock slope stability, Hideki has been heavily involved in the works associated with public infrastructures, especially in design and construction of highway embankments placed on soft subsoils located in various parts of Japan.

After retiring from Tokyo Tech in 2009, Hideki has moved to Research and Development Initiative of Chuo University and concentrated his research activities into the projects related to the possible floodings in the zero-sea-level area of eastern part of Tokyo. He has developed a new theory of 1-dimensional consolidation based on the results from a series of laboratory tests on partially freeze-dried clay specimens in which the primary consolidation takes place instantaneously after the application of a load increment and hence the secondary consolidation is observed throughout the whole process of consolidation. New development of vacuum consolidation techniques is on-going and is aimed to be employed in dredging of river beds and in constructing large scaled embankments along the rivers within the construction period extremely shorter than it used to be.

Placement of a big tidal surge barrier of 30km long crossing Tokyo Bay from Haneda to Makuhari is proposed by Hideki and his colleagues. The structure is expected to function as the tidal surge barrier at the time of big storms but it is also expected to be economically productive by furnishing the wind power systems and a traffic system of highway and high-speed rail and in addition a longitudinally continuous on-the-sea city connecting the both sides of Tokyo Bay.

太田 秀樹

